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San Diego's annual invasion of dapper Doctor Whos, mysterious Batmen, chubby Lolitas and steampunk Poison Ivys has ceased; the marauders having retreated to their workaday lives and quiet homes, wherever those might be. (In fact, roughly fifty per cent of those homes are right here in San Diego, based on attendee registration info.) No one throws a Con quite like America's Finest City and the financial handshake between Comic-Con International (CCI) and the City of San Diego is hearty, healthy and mutually-beneficial.

According to CelebrityNetWorth, San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) 2013 infused the local economy with approximately $163million; hotel reservations alone, some 40K, bring in nearly $30million alone. 2014's figures are expected to be even more impressive. The crush of con-goers, as well as curious looky-loos, is a healthy boon to not only the city, but the Golden State, not nearly as golden as it was in its namesake, 1849 heydays. Perched on the edge of western civilization, California in currently in the pains of drought, immigration woes and incompetent, unfathomably wasteful, Sacramento politicians. If anyone needs a profitable, notable party, it's California.

Of course, out of every notable party comes an obligatory fool, the dude who drinks too much and is best left on the cool, bathroom tile for the night. SDCC 2014 was no exception: a Zombie Walk Hit-and-Run; and the Tigra Panty Raiders. Also, out of any notable party gone nuts, there comes a hero: ours was #superherobadass Catwoman, a.k.a. Miss Adrianne Curry.

Where there's Comic-Con, there are hot chicks; where there are hot chicks, there are boys; where there are boys, there is booze and, often, trouble.  Too much booze and testosterone makes for a sketchy situation. Even San Diego CBS8 field reporter Shawn Styles was nearly shaken to pieces by a rowdy, seemingly buzzed, buff group of Outlander promo models as he covered the Con from the always bar-soaked Gaslamp District. Leaving the safe confines of the San Diego Convention Center and venturing into the Gaslamp is risky, even on the best of Saturday nights, but all the more so in a Mardi Gras atmosphere and in costume. The Con floor might be a sardine-packed muddle of geekage, but it's navigable and friendly. If something goes down in the Con, even just a drop-kicked smartphone, there's always a Superman nearby to help!

CCI has very clear rules about harassment; then again, so does the San Diego Police Department. Someone -naturally it was a zombie- chose not to heed those rules and attacked one Alicia Marie Bellanger, a.k.a. Tigra, in the Gaslamp District, well outside the Con.

Partial post from Alicia Marie's Facebook page:

YESTERDAY, myself, dressed as Tigra, was ... in the super crowded San Diego Comic-Con International Gaslamp area taking photos with #SDCC peeps and fans. Some total A$$H0LE came up behind me and tried to stick his hands in my bottoms and then yanked my tail and pants down. I just freaked out, screamed trying to keep my bottoms up -- but Adrianne Curry literally took off after dude WITH her Catwoman whip and chased him down, beat his ass. Punched him across the face with the butt of her whip -- he had zombie blood on his face - got on her costume. I have to thank #superherobadass "Catwoman" Adrianne Curry Poison Ivy Katrina and Todd for being such EPIC friends.


Clearly, the offenders were unfamiliar with masked #superherobadass Catwoman, Adrianne Curry.

Adrianne Curry's Facebook reply:

I beat the shit out of his face with the butt of my whip .....which is a real bullwhip


As of this post, there is no update as to any pending arrests, or the condition, of Miss Bellanger's attacker.

Even well-mannered zombies can fall prey to the bedlam of the Gaslamp. Amidst an otherwise well-organized Zombie Walk through the Gaslamp District, a hearing-impaired motorist, his car idling at a crossing area and waiting for the zombies to pass, eventually used his car as a zombieplow to escape the Walk, pushing through the crowd and knocking down a number of pedestrians: zombies and humans alike. Whilst some bystanders surmised he simply grew impatient, the driver later told police his small children  were frightened by the crowd and he, being hard-of-hearing, was confused. Video shows two rather big guys settling on the hood of his car and it was at this point he plowed through said-bedlam.

S.D.P.D. Officer David Stafford stated, "The car windshield was shattered by the crowd. The family was scared so the father drove forward again trying to get away from the angry crowd.’

In the end, three people suffered injuries; one of those leading to a hospital stay, the other two being of minor concern. The driver was not arrested and, thus far, no charges have been filed.

After quite a few years of covering SDCC for GoodToBeAGeek, my cohorts and I ventured into the Gaslamp a number of nights this Con. Most years have been spent either in the Convention Ctr. or the lobbies, patios and bars of the Hilton Bayfront and the Omni Hotel. The only exposure to the outside world being a short walk along Front Street to Santa Fe Depot in order to hop a train back to the calming balm of our wee beach burg. My takeaway? Unless you're a frat boy at heart, stick to the hotels and Conv. Ctr. Traffic, booze and boys rule the Gaslamp night and for this oft socially awkward, pale and quiet geek girl, the crowds inside the Con are plenty of hustle-and-bustle for me.

SDCC 2014 was far more bonkers, it seems, than previous Cons. WonderCon, for all its discounted stigma as Comic-Con's Little Sister, is a lovely and elegant tea party, comparatively. As I noted in my pre-Con post, Boobs Are Not Bunnies, CCI makes very clear their rules of conduct. Obviously, as Miss Bellanger noted further on her Facebook page, these rules are becoming more and more necessary:

Continuing post from Alicia Marie's Facebook page:

I was very VERY upset because as many times as I have attended #SDCC, I have never experienced this behavior. Just the day before, one of the Trek Bunnies, Amanda Orion) had to have a guy kicked out of the con for being lewd and disgusting and shoving his camera lens between our legs when 3 of us were walking out. This event is supposed to be a fun, light-hearted, exciting, and yes over the top time for everyone. That does not mean start disrespecting people and thinking you can act like an IDIOT just because they have a costume on.

Then again, if you have #superherobadass Adrianne Curry by your side, have a drink, be safe and if someone does trifle with you, let Catwoman whip some butt!

Through all the absurdity of this year's Con, it was still, as always, an absolute blast! Miss Bellanger summed it up perfectly:

%$^$-tards aside, it's still the best time I have all year -
Right now, I am just thankful and happy I have friends that don't even have to put a costume on to be superheroes.


Well said, Tigra! Very well said! Cheers!


Abyssinia next at WonderCon, kittens!


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Read 5015 times Last modified on Tuesday, 19 November 2019 17:15
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About Author

Jennifer Susannah Devore (a.k.a. JennyPop) authors the 18th C. historical-fiction series Savannah of Williamsburg. She is a regular contributor - 10 years running - to the Official San Diego Comic-Con Souvenir Book; as well, she writes and researches all content for Occasionally, JennyPop writes under the pseudonym Miss Hannah Hart, ghostdame of The Hotel del Coronado.

JennyPop has been cited by TIME magazine as a Peanuts and Charlie Brown expert. Her latest novel is The Darlings of Orange County, a sexy, posh and deadly romp through Hollywood, San Diego and Orange County. Book IV in the Savannah of Williamsburg Series is completed and awaits publication. She is currently researching Book V for the series. She resides at the beach with her husband, a tiny dog, a vast wardrobe and a closet that simply shan't do.

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