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Tuesday, 17 April 2018 18:01

Caffè Florian: Intruder Alert

Little Miss JennyPop, as most people know,

Longed to revisit 18thC. Venice; she was always ready to go.


So to Caffè Florian, the oldest in the world - 1720 - she did flock.

For this Italian adventure, naturally, she packed her most Verdi-inspired frock.


On a rainy, Veneto night, into Florian they fled,

Sipping famed Florian brandy and espresso, JennyPop and her belov-ed.


Taking in a glistening, empty, St. Mark's Square,

The two shared an Enlightenment moment, looking quite the pair.

Published in Recent Posts

As Valentine's Day looms on 30 Rock's "Anna Howard Shaw Day" (S4, e13), Liz Lemon takes herself "out of the equation" by scheduling a root canal to shun the greeting card-holiday she so loathes, and, most importantly, to avoid the clear and present abundance of "nobody" in her life. When she cannot arrange the necessary ride home after said-surgery because, as Virginia singer-songwriter Stephen Christoff once wrote, "everyone is in love, except for you", TGS writer Frank Rossitano, resident Italian, porn-addicted, Momma's boy, sums it up for Liz: "All we want on Valentine's Day is to know that someone cares, even a little, about us. Aren't you looking for the same thing? In fact, yours is worse. If you don't get that tooth fixed the infection will probably move to your brain and kill you."