Tuesday, 17 April 2018 18:01

Caffè Florian: Intruder Alert

Little Miss JennyPop, as most people know,

Longed to revisit 18thC. Venice; she was always ready to go.


So to Caffè Florian, the oldest in the world - 1720 - she did flock.

For this Italian adventure, naturally, she packed her most Verdi-inspired frock.


On a rainy, Veneto night, into Florian they fled,

Sipping famed Florian brandy and espresso, JennyPop and her belov-ed.


Taking in a glistening, empty, St. Mark's Square,

The two shared an Enlightenment moment, looking quite the pair.

Published in Recent Posts
Friday, 26 January 2018 21:31

Poppin' Open a Brand New Year

The New Year cometh! What's on your docket? What dragons will you slay, what cats will you herd, what other animal analogies will you concoct? JennyPop is ready for a new year! New Savannah of Williamsburg (Book IV finished and soon-to-be-published!), more Euro travel - likely with Tiny Mulder in-tow - and, as always, San Diego Comic-Con! Plus, whatever else may cross JennyPop's path. Who knows? Like Lemony Snicket's Violet Baudelaire, JennyPop's tying her hair in a ponytail and getting back to work after The Holidays, no matter the task ... as long as it involves reading, writing and bonkers-fun!

Happy New Year, kittens! Be courageous, be productive, be nice!

"Well, hey. I didn't spend all those years playing Dungeons and Dragons and not learn a little something about courage."

- Faulkner, The X-Files, "Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space'" (S3e20)


Follow @JennyPopCom Twitter and Insta

JennyPop's Amazon Author Page, to boot!


Published in Recent Posts
Friday, 10 November 2017 20:19

JennyPop: Branded

So we're clear,

Like Highlander ... there can be only one.




Follow @JennyPopCom Twitter and Insta

Amazon Author Page


Published in Recent Posts

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Can't make it to Comic-Con? Don't be sad! JennyPop's got you covered! All the dorky fun rages July 19 - July 23, 2017. For full posts, detailed accounts and, possibly, her Souvenir Book article, bookmark @JennyPopCom Twitter and Insta for all the in-depth, geeky, good times.

The thing about Comic-Con news, is, for San Diegans, it happens to be our local news. Ergo, unlike those arriving in town for the yearly pop cultural extravaganza, convention energy heats up early for us local dorks, comme Moi,. Besides telltale banners around The Gaslamp District and the Harbor, news and radio badge-giveaways, and blocked-out hotels for miles, San Diego local news is covering tidbits and factoids almost daily. (Note: Local news generally bites. Yours Truly watches the first minute solely to see if there's a wildfire, Sharknado or Cloverfield monster headed my way. Good thing, because it appears a few threats headed here in about two weeks! Further, it appears they'll be returning every Summer, at least for a few years. (WooHoo!!)

On June 30, less than three weeks out from the 2017 Con, Mayor Kevin Faulconer spoke at the San Diego Convention Center, outside Hall H, home to the most coveted of SDCC panels each year. (2017 panels incl. Game of Thrones, Westworld and Stranger Things.) There, framed by San Diego's Tourism Authority CEO, Joe Terzi, and San Diego Convention Center's CEO, Rip Rippetoe, Mayor Faulconer ingratiated himself to Comic-Con's Dir. of Marketing and P.R., David Glanzer, under obligatory blue skies and soft breezes.

Friday, 14 October 2016 00:14

October 13th: Goth Chick Appreciation Day






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