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Tiny Mulder - and our JennyPop - might draw strange looks in public, as JennyPop - and the odd cohort - position him hither and thither; yet, he doesn't mind the judgment. She doesn't mind either. TM is out there and loving it! Drinking in the atmos of pubs and bars, here and abroad, surveying the pumpkin pie and pressies at Thanksgiving dinner and on Christmas mornings, TM will be relegated to a dank, FBI basement no longer. Today, and forever, Tiny Mulder is ... at large! Go forth and find the truth, my tiny friend.

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It's Springtime in San Diego, kittens and that means one thing: San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) approacheth! July 19 - 22, 2018 will find Yours Truly awash in cosplay and cultur de pop, more so than usual. Sure, it's still three months off; yet playing the big Con takes prep. Every sweltering, sunny, San Diego Summer year my Con-cohort and I, Eslilay Evoreday, immerse ourselves in all the geeky goodness at the grandest of comic book conventions.