Thursday, 31 March 2011 18:32

Confucius Said, Pick Another Fortune Cookie

Breaking apart yet another stale fortune cookie from Happy Moon Foods, Chinese Panda Noodle Room, Smiley Buffet, Yum Yum Chinese Restaurant and any other number of establishments my Viking and I patronize regularly, I thought on one of my stranger collections: cookie fortunes.

'Tis a small collection to be certain; I only keep the apropos ones and they stay in my wallet, perhaps fifteen total. Still, I find them amusing to peer upon whilst digging for a stamp (a whaaat?) or my Disney passport. Occasionally, I'll scribble on the back the date and place I received my fortune. I also like to practice the "Learn Chinese" vocabulary printed thereon.

Oddly, I share some with you ...

Image courtesy of dahon@flickr ... cheers!


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