- Displaying items by tag: poem

A Cry to Heaven, "How could this be?!"

So much she gifted us, on so much we fed

Cry again, "How and when and why was it she?"

A lifetime of belles-lettres, forever to be read


Sometimes a fair sky, light clouds and bright sun, most of it was rain and shadows and fog

Vienna, Rancho, Paris and Budapest

San Francisco, Amsterdam, Miami and Prague

The globe in her velvet, emerald purse, New Orleans is where she shall for eternity rest


A friendly voice from a Garden District dollhouse, welcoming, stoic and serene on First Street

"Please, wait just a moment," she asked; a moment, a month, happy waiting we are pleased to do

The dolls kept eye, keeping her home safe, until we, gracious strangers, may dear Anne have the chance to greet

A moment or few passed, Violin was then passed, too, onto reverend Anne, by a quiet sweetness named Sue


Violin sits still, signed and prized, amongst Twain, Poe, Shakespeare and, humbly, mine

Across a continent, in an old, French town, in a misty shroud of bêtes-noires and mystery

Lies a family in love, together forever, fashioned finally, by design

Anne Rice, you are gone, but also still here, in our hearts and on our shelves, today, tomorrow, for all of man's history



Rest in peace, cherished Anne. You are missed.




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Quilts of country, ombres green

Queen Ériu, her legend to bear

Goddess of Ireland, a kingdom and people you wean


Dublin, dark waters; Dingle, deep harbours

Galway, fair strangers; Boyle Moone men

Kiillarney, for Christmas; Sligo, for Summer

Castletownshend, Mary Anns Pub; Dalkey, where our Bono, then?


A land of heart, a folk bleeding pride

Where a mankind began, where the wildest writers thrive

Whether your life be mad for craic, or deep in a despair you cannot abide

Dance feis, fairies and magick will contrive


Be your feathers ruffled, or hod you the grandest joy in-hand

Every soul can turn all the more merry, with the simplest of times in Fair Ireland 





Published in Miss Hannah Hart
Thursday, 23 April 2020 04:09

Farewell, Han Solo








Published in Recent Posts
Friday, 01 November 2019 02:42

Happy Tofurkey Day! A Thanksgiving Poem

‘Tis crisper, cooler, brisker, sharper,

Like a bite from a chilled, candied apple.

The wind and weather now zip through the trees.

Shaking loose leaves of orange, red and gold,

Leaving mere bones and fingers of bark and birch.

Dark Italian roasts, mulled spider ciders and spiced pumpkin lattes,

Perfect complements to all the season’s feasts.

Families are amassing, friends are warming near,

Enveloped and embraced by a fete’s baking, cooking and cocktails,


All warm and sugared comforts, certain to please.

Cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg, coffee and wine,

The smells of the season lead us home year after year.

Bringing the best of autumn together, the best of family and friends,

The very best of everything, the very best of us on this Thanksgiving Day.


Happy Tofurkey Day to All!

First PSL of the season! Starbucks, Copenhagen Central Train Station, Denmark. Photo: JSDevore

Follow @JennyPopCom

Published in Blog Archive
Tuesday, 17 April 2018 18:01

Caffè Florian: Intruder Alert

Little Miss JennyPop, as most people know,

Longed to revisit 18thC. Venice; she was always ready to go.


So to Caffè Florian, the oldest in the world - 1720 - she did flock.

For this Italian adventure, naturally, she packed her most Verdi-inspired frock.


On a rainy, Veneto night, into Florian they fled,

Sipping famed Florian brandy and espresso, JennyPop and her belov-ed.


Taking in a glistening, empty, St. Mark's Square,

The two shared an Enlightenment moment, looking quite the pair.

Published in Recent Posts


Mr. Snowman has been patient, all the autumn through.

Now he’s ready to vogue and pose and preen,

To oversee your snow angels, powder fights and frolics.


Pine boughs and incense, cinnamon and peppermint.

Sugar cookies and gingerbread, snickerdoodles and milk.

Pfeffernüsse and Gewurztraminer, spice cookies and mulled wine,

Of all the holiday making, the baking and cooking call us home best.

Wintertime snacks and Cognac, Caffe Florian, Venice, Italy. Photo: JSDevore.

Fairy lights glitter and dance in the fireplace glow,

As they hug the tree and adulate the dearest décor,

That box of precious, priceless family adornments,

Waiting patiently through the year, much as Mr. Snowman.


Presents tied with velvet bows and wreaths wrapped with grapevines,

Garden gnomes with Santa hats and carriage lights ringed with pine,

Welcome all whom enter, those we hold dear and those we wish to know.


‘Tis Christmastime and no season’s more special with cheer,

Than that which brings us all home at once,

Than that which brings us all love at home.



Published in Blog Archive

When the moon glows full and the brisk wind howls strong,

The night for all spirits, faeries and fiends comes alive.

The party is set, the festivities draw near.


Witches, pirates, werewolves and beasts prepare themselves fierce,

For an o’ernight feast and fete, they’ve been awaiting all the year.

Spiced pumpkin lattes, caramel apples, black witchy shoes and stripey socks appear.


Cinnamon, nutmeg and spiders fill the creaks and corners

Of haunted houses and mansions, from Old Salem to the California shores.

Samhain, Hallowe’en, All Hallows’ Eve, Harvest Moon or Mischief Night.


Whatever you may call it, set your senses high.

For amidst the purple, the black, the red and the orange,

The goblins, ghouls, ghosties and gremlins are out and about and waiting for you!


Happy October, Everyone!

Published in Blog Archive



Jack and Sally are hosting a gracious Open House,

Though to this Mansion originally born, is actually a Mouse.

Lock, Shock and Barrel have taken decorative liberties within,

Whilst Zero alights in the delights of so many fresh bones.

A rush and push! Oh, where have they been?


Hallowe'en Town's Mayor endeavours to keep the peace.

Yet, alas, Oogie Boogie has evil designs on our cherished Sandy Claws.

Good grief, they're both just so damned obese!


It seems the presents shall remain wrapped, perchance 'tis best that way.

For, Jack has finally found himself and that's really all there is to say.




Learn more about Halloween Time at The Spookiest Place on Earth!

All photos by Loren Javier

Published in Blog Archive