So let's knock back a couple and make some noise.
Happy Holidays!
Holiday Cocktail Reipes!
- Oscar Wilde
Sterling's Snow Queen
- 1.5oz of Empress 1908 gin
- 1oz rosemary simple syrup
- juice of 1/2 lime
- pure cane sugar
To Craft
Before you start, go to your hat boxes and find your prettiest, pink. fluffy earmuffs, the ones that look like tufts of cotton candy. Then, put your hat boxes back where they belong, so your room's not a mess.
Next, fill a martini glass, or a vintage Champagne coupe glass, with artisan, filtered ice. Let it sit whilst you gather your ingredients. Empress 1908 gin is pricey, but the bottle is lovely, will make a fabulous soap dispenser when you've drained it of it's wintry, juniper goodness and, most of all, you are an empress and deserve it.
Empty the ice from your glass into a cocktail shaker. Add your gin, lime juice and rosemary simple syrup. Set aside.
Turn your martini glass upside-down into a, preferably Sterling silver, dish of pure cane sugar: Barbados or Hawaiian is preferable. Turn back rightside-up, duh.
Pour your shaker's mixture into sugar-rimmed martini glass and garnish with a slice of lime, curl of lime peel or even mint, for the festive season. A candy cane is always an extra nice touch at Christmas.
Finally, put on your pretty, pink earmuffs and some light pink lipstick - not too pink, too tacky. Look up some pictures of Kentucky or Virginia in the snowy Winter and enjoy Sterling's Snow Queen as you recall fond, Winter, pub times with dear friends you miss, from a distant life, many moons ago.

Dante's Rapier
- 2oz George Washington's Rye Whiskey
- 1oz Sweet Vermouth
- 2dsh Angostura Bitters
- Ginger Beer
- Orange Twist
To Craft
First and foremost, polish your fave large, martini glass and chill in the freezer, briefly. A Tiffany's glass offers lovely light-play and makes the most elegant "clink" when cheered with another.
Second, go to Virginia. Geo. Washington rye whiskey is only avail at The Shops at Mount Vernon. If you can't make it to the Old Dominion, maybe a friend is going; ask them to bring you a bottle. It's pricey, so send them Earth monies via PayPal or Venmo or whatever you use, beofre they go. If no way you're getting George's recipe, any rye whiskey you love will do. It just wont be a Dante's Rapier.
Now, mix your rye, vermouth and bitters in a shaker with ice: quality ice preferably untouched by human hands. Pour mixture into your chilled glass and garnish with an orange twist.
Sip leisurely, cross-legged and with a slight air of haughtiness. This is a cocktail for fireside, erudite chats about public history and museums, Revolutionary War myths and stories about bridges. Remember, if you hear a joke about a Welshman, simply nod and chortle mouth closed, lips taught; never knee-slap and guffaw. Save that action for your Black and Tan.
Mr. Micawber's Hot Gin Punch
- 4 parts Hendrick's Gin
- 4 parts Madeira Wine
- 2 tsp brown sugar
- 6 lg lemon and orange twists
- 1 sm slice of orange
- 1 fresh pineapple
- 4 tsp organic honey
To Craft
Did You Know?
The True American Egg Nog
- Privateer True American Rum
- Horizon Organic Egg Nog
- 1 orange
- cloves
- nutmeg
To Craft
Some of you might make craft your egg nog from scratch. This recipe isn't for you; this is for carton-folk. Although, we at JennyPop applaud your dedication and skill. For instantly festive egg nog, nothing could be easier.
Ratio of rum:eggnog is 1:5. So, a 1qt carton of Horizon eggnog requires 6.5 ounces of Privateer rum. Mix directly in a lovely, serving bowl and garnish with nutmeg, cloves and grated orange peel. Tie a pretty bow on your ladle and have plenty of Marty Moose cups nearby.
- Clark Griswold, Christmas Vacation
By The Fireside
- 4 parts Grey Goose vodka
- 5 parts grapefruit juice
- 1 part no. 2 amber maple syrup
- 1 sprig rosemary
- 1 pinch salt
To Craft
Did You Know?
JennyPop's Vintage Kir Royale
- 1/4oz Chambord
- Veuve Cliquot Champagne
- mint leaves
- 3-4 raspberries
- 3-4 blueberries