Thak you for lovin' me! The whole world's thankin', everybody's thankin' ... Thak you for lovin' me! The whole world's thankin', everybody's thankin' ...

Try Not Singing Along With Bob's Burgers!

Big Ol' Buns
, The Itsy-Bitsy Stripper, I Hate Sleepovers, Lifting Up The Skirt Of The Night and Not Bad For Three Kids: excellent starter songs for the uninitiated. Spanning ten seasons, thus far, FOX's animated nonpareil, Bob's Burgers, has gifted sing-along and cartoon enthusiasts well over 200 original songs and jingles.

Not since the emergence of the orchestral, Disney soundtracks beginning in the 1930s and persisting to this day, and Rodgers and Hammerstein's danceable musicals of the 1940s and 1950s, have characters spontaneously bursting into Broadway-quality song been so expected and, more importantly, welcomed. Cut to media's modern-era and Family Guy reigns supreme in episodic-TV musicals.

However, Family Guy, Disney, and Rodgers and Hammerstein don't do Thanksgiving songs. Nobody does, not notably. Even Seth MacFarlane overlooked the gaping void of Thanksgiving carols. Thereon lies the brilliant crown, setting Bob's Burgers as a, relatively, new centerpiece of holiday-TV tradition.

Christmas has so many delightful ditties, most of us can't listen enough throughout The Holidays: well, until December 25th, around 4:00p.m.. Hallowe'en has its formidable soundtrack: Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas (Disney) plus all the Marilyn Manson, Rob Zombie and The Hanted Mansion's Grim Grinning Ghosts (Disney) your Pandora Hallowe'en Station can churn: well, until October 31st, around 9:30p.m.. That leaves Thanksgiving and it needs some pop-culture love. So, if the inimitable writers and performers at Bob's Burgers are passing around the love, we'll take a big, steamy ladleful! 

See the drop-down accordion below for all the best BB Thanksgiving carols, verbatim-lyrics and season/episode titles and designations: curated by Yours Truly just for you, the fair reader. Happy Tofurky Day, kittens!! 

Every year, I try to tell you guys that no one really sings Thanksgiving songs.

- Bob Belcher, "Turkey in a Can" (S4e5)

Kill The Turkey! "An Indecent Thanksgiving Proposal" (S3e5) BOB'S BURGERS

Best Bob's Burgers Thanksgiving Carols: Sing Along!

The Thanksgiving Song (a.k.a. Kill The Turkey) Full Lyrics
Pass the cranberry sauce
We're having mashed potatoes
Ooh, the turkey looks great.
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for being there
Thank you for loving me
Everyone's thanking
The whole world's thanking you
Thanking us for thanking you
Kill the turkey.
Pass the cranberry sauce
We're having mashed potatoes
Ooh, the turkey looks great.
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for being there
Thank you for loving me
Everyone's thanking
The whole world's thanking you
Thanking us for thanking you
Kill the turkey.
Pass the cranberry sauce
We're having mashed potatoes!
Oh, the turkey looks great!
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for being there
Thank you for loving me

Everyone's thankin'
The whole world's thankin' you
Thankin' us for thankin' you

Kill, kill, kill
Kill the turkey!

Eat a whole bunch of stuff
We're gonna take our pants off!
Oh, I'm feelin' so fat!
Thank you for lovin' me
Thank you for bein' there
Thank you for lovin' me
Everyone's thankin'
The whole world's thankin' you
Thankin' us for thankin' you
Kill the turkey!

Kill the turkey, yeah!!

"An Indecent Thanksgiving Proposal" (S3e5)
Lyrics by: John Roberts
Performing Artist: John Roberts

Gravy Boat
Pass the cranberry sauce
We're having mashed potatoes
Ooh, the turkey looks great.
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for being there
Thank you for loving me
Everyone's thanking
The whole world's thanking you
Thanking us for thanking you
Kill the turkey.
Pass the cranberry sauce
We're having mashed potatoes
Ooh, the turkey looks great.
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for being there
Thank you for loving me
Everyone's thanking
The whole world's thanking you
Thanking us for thanking you
Kill the turkey.
A-ding, a-ding
A-what's that sound?

It's the gravy boat
A-comin' around!

It's not a navy boat
It's the gravy boat!

Filled with bravery, savory, sailor folk
Stuffing sailors, disembark
Fill our plates and fill our hearts

Sailors in your mouth, sailors in your mouth
That's what Thanksgiving is all about!

"Turkey In A Can" (S4e5)
Lyrics by: Lizzie and Wendy Molyneux
Performing Artists: Megan Mullally and John Roberts
It's Thanksgiving For Everybody
Pass the cranberry sauce
We're having mashed potatoes
Ooh, the turkey looks great.
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for being there
Thank you for loving me
Everyone's thanking
The whole world's thanking you
Thanking us for thanking you
Kill the turkey.
Pass the cranberry sauce
We're having mashed potatoes
Ooh, the turkey looks great.
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for being there
Thank you for loving me
Everyone's thanking
The whole world's thanking you
Thanking us for thanking you
Kill the turkey.

It's Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving for everybody
Except for Europeans

It's Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving for everybody
Except for Europeans

"Gayle Makin' Bob Sled" (S6e4)
Lyrics by: Lizzie and Wendy Molyneux
Performing Artists: Megan Mullally and John Roberts

Save The Bird
Pass the cranberry sauce
We're having mashed potatoes
Ooh, the turkey looks great.
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for being there
Thank you for loving me
Everyone's thanking
The whole world's thanking you
Thanking us for thanking you
Kill the turkey.
Pass the cranberry sauce
We're having mashed potatoes
Ooh, the turkey looks great.
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for being there
Thank you for loving me
Everyone's thanking
The whole world's thanking you
Thanking us for thanking you
Kill the turkey.
We're keeping our word,
We're saving the bird this year

Gonna keep our word
Gonna save the bird that's what you heard

We're keeping our word,
We're saving the bird this year

Gonna keep our word,
Gonna save the bird that's what you heard

Don't you taint my mayor
Don't you taint my mayor
Let him fly
We're saving the bird this year

Gonna keep our word
Gonna save the bird that's what you heard

We're keeping our word,
We're saving the bird this year

"I Bob Your Pardon" (S9e7)
Lyrics by: Loren Bouchard, Jim Dauterive, Nora Smith
Performing Artist: John Roberts
Give It To Teddy
Pass the cranberry sauce
We're having mashed potatoes
Ooh, the turkey looks great.
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for being there
Thank you for loving me
Everyone's thanking
The whole world's thanking you
Thanking us for thanking you
Kill the turkey.
Pass the cranberry sauce
We're having mashed potatoes
Ooh, the turkey looks great.
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for being there
Thank you for loving me
Everyone's thanking
The whole world's thanking you
Thanking us for thanking you
Kill the turkey.

An aquarium pump don't belong in the dump
Give it to Teddy (I can fix it!)

Who really cares about two-legged chairs?
No one but Teddy (I can fix it!)

A phone with no receiver should be chopped up with a cleaver
'less you're Teddy (I can fix it!)
But is a Gerald Ford bobble-head that doesn't really bobble worth your trouble?
(I can fix it!)

My parents were the two halves of the waffle maker ...

That makes you the waffle!
That makes you the waffle!
That makes you the waffle!
That makes you the waffle!

"Thanks-Hoarding" (S8e5)
Lyrics by: Loren Bouchard, Ji Dauterive, Jon Schroeder
Performing Artist: John Roberts and Larry Murphy with Dan Mintz, Krirsten Schaal, H. Jon Benjamin and Eugene Mirman


The Perfect Thanksgiving Meal | Season 4 Ep. 5 | BOB'S BURGERS Animation on FOX Official, YouTube
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About Author

Jennifer Susannah Devore (a.k.a. JennyPop) authors the 18th C. historical-fiction series Savannah of Williamsburg. She is a regular contributor - 10 years running - to the Official San Diego Comic-Con Souvenir Book; as well, she writes and researches all content for Occasionally, JennyPop writes under the pseudonym Miss Hannah Hart, ghostdame of The Hotel del Coronado.

JennyPop has been cited by TIME magazine as a Peanuts and Charlie Brown expert. Her latest novel is The Darlings of Orange County, a sexy, posh and deadly romp through Hollywood, San Diego and Orange County. Book IV in the Savannah of Williamsburg Series is completed and awaits publication. She is currently researching Book V for the series. She resides at the beach with her husband, a tiny dog, a vast wardrobe and a closet that simply shan't do.