"Hey, whose leg do you gotta gagoosh to get an Amaretto Disaronno around here?"
The Best Holiday Tradition: Christmas and Hanukkah TV!
The most favoured traditions wrap themselves around The Holidays like a thick, Irish cable-knit sweater: shopping, socializing, gifting, baking, travelling and visiting with family - those carefully curated, as well as those into which we are born. Some fams are just wackadoo and amusing enough to engage you into uncomfortable, awkward card games. (Note: Cards Against Humanity NOT rec for play with children, nieces, nephews, parents or grandarents. Trust Moi.) Conversely, some fams are just conservative and deathly boring enough to engage catatonia, leaving you wishing for Cards Against Humanity, something, anything to raise the dead. Either way, if you are a fellow Earthling, your Holiday traditions are, likely, equally, eagerly and dreadfully anticipated and, eventually, carefully navigated. We at JennyPop understand, and empathize with, the extremes.
So, for those moments you need to be all about you and your fave device, JennyPop has curated another Best Holiday Media list, just for you! To make it even better, season and episode numbers are included, for easy-peasy Hulu/Netflix/Prime/IMDB/Google searches, or whatever platform you prefer.
As noted in Thankful for TV, another JennyPop Best Media list, holiday programming is a tasty, gluttonous treat for a viewership comprised largely of non-adulting adult-toddlers - Hello!- and ready to celebrate a year's end in the silly and simple joy of twisted family-humour.
Forget ye not, kittens ... FOX holiday Animation Domination! Even when some episodes aren't quite en pointe - debates run year-round throughout a community of Comic Book Guys - Family Guy, Bob's Burgers and The Simpsons holiday fare give of us much-needed, extra, warm fuzzies during a simultaenously stellar/stresssful time of year. All-new, FOX Animation Domination holiday fare airs Sunday, December 13, 2020:
- The Simpsons: "A Springfield Summer Christmas for Christmas" (S32e10) Springfield is mis-en-scène for a Hollywood production; and Principal Skinner finds love at the Holidays.
- Family Guy: "The First No L" (S19e9) Lois has had enough making Christmas sans any help and takes a break this year, leaving the rest of the fam to save the season.
- Bob's Burgers: "Yachty or Nice" (S11e10) Bob is leery when his restaurant is hired to cater the Glencrest Yacht Club's annual, holiday boat parade; and, Louise sees herself as a boat owner.
*Note: Because The Goldbergs serves up cheerful, Christmukkah joy each season: "Hanukkah on the Seas" (S8e7) airs Wednesday, December 2, 202020 at 8PST/EST.
Now, pour a glass of cab, pour out some spice tea, or craft one of JennyPop's Festive Libations for the Holidays and get to the very best holiday media! As with all JennyPop TV, film and book recs - Summer, Halloween and Thanksgiving - JennyPop doesn't rank shows, just lists them. All are winners though, or they wouldn't be on a JennyPop Best Media list. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Joyful Viewing to all!

Best Holiday TV Episodes!
Bob's Burgers
"God Rest Ye Merry Gentle-Mannequins" (Season 3, episode9)
"Christmas in the Car" (Season 4, episode 8)
"Nice-Capades" (Season 6, episode 5)
"Last Gingerbread House on the Left" (Season 7, episode 7)
"The Bleakening: Parts I and II" (Season 8, episodes 6/7)
Better Off Sled (Season 9, episode 10)
"Have Yourself a Maily Linda Christmas" (Season 10, episode 10)
"Yachty or Nice" (Season 11, episode 10)
Family Guy
"A Very Special Family Guy Freakin' Christmas" (Season 3, episode 16)
"Jesus, Mary and Joseph" (Season 11, episode 8)
"Christmas Guy" (Season 12, episode 8)
"How the Griffin Stole Christmas" (Season 15, episode 9)
"Don't Be a Dickens at Christmas" (Season 16, episode 9)
"The First No L" (Season 19, episode 9)
The Goldbergs
"A Christmas Story" (aka "Super Hanukkah") (Season 3, episode 10)
"Han Ukkah Solo" (Season 4, episode 10)
"Yippee Ki Yay Melon Farmer" (Season 6, episode 10)
"It's a Wonderful Life" (Season 7, episode 10)
"Hanukkah on the Seas" (Season 8, episode 7)
Downton Abbey
"Christmas at Downton Abbey" (Season 2, episode 9)
"A Journey to the Highlandds" (Season 3, episode 9)
"Christmas Special" (a.k.a. Series Finale) (Season 6, episode 9)
At Home with Amy Sedaris
"Holidays" (Season 1, episode 7)
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
"Christmas Special: A Lost Claus" (Season 3, episode 10)
Everybody Loves Raymond
"The Ball" (Season 1, episode 12)
"All I Want for Christmas" (Season 2, episode 12)
"The Toaster" (Season 3, episode 12)
"The Christmas Picture" (Seaason 4, episode 11)
"Christmas Present" (Season 5, episode 11)
"Seasons Greetings" (Season 6, episode 12)
"The Thought That Counts" (Season 7, episode 11)
"Jazz Records" (Season 8, episode 10)
Paddington Bear
"Paddington and the Christmas Shopping" (Seaason 1, episode 17)
"Paddington's Christmas" (Season 1, episode 18)
Stranger Things
"Holly, Jolly" (Season 1, episode 3)
"A Stranger Things Christmas" (a ST x Peanuts stand-alone, animation short)
Modern Family
"Undeck the Halls"(Season 1, episode 10)
"Express Christmas" (Season 3, episode 10)
"The Old Man and the Tree" (Season 5, episode 10)
"White Christmas" (Season 7, episode 9)
"The Last Christmas" (Season 11, episode 8)
The Big Bang Theory
"The Bath Item Gift Hypothesis" (Season 2, episode 11)
"The Maternal Congruence" (Season 3, episode 11)
"The Santa Simulation" (Season 6, episode 11)
"The Cooper Extraction" (Season 7, episode 11)
"The Clean Room Infiltration" (Season 8, episode 11)
2 Broke Girls
"And the Very Christmas Thanksgiving" (Season 1, episode 10)
"And the High Holidays" (Season 2, episode 12)
"And a Loan for Christmas" (Season 4, episode 7)
The King of Queens
"Noel Cowards" (Season 1, episode 11)
"Net Prophets" (Season 2, episode 12)
"Better Camera" (Season 3, episode 11)
"Mentalo Case" (Season 5, episode 11)
"Santa Claustrophobia" (Season 6, episode 11)
"Silent Mite" (Season 7, episode 7)
"Baker's Doesn't" (Season 8, episode 11)
"Ludachristmas"(Season 2, episode 9)
"Christmas Special"(Season 3, episode 6)
"Secret Santa" (Season 4, episode 8)
"Christmas Attack Zone"(Season 5, episode 10)
Arrested Development
"Afternoon Delight" (Season 2, episode 6)
Absolutely Fabulous
"Cold Turkey" (Season 5, episode 8)
The Simpsons (a sampling, 18 eps avail)
"Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire" (Season 1, episode 1)
"Mr. Plow" (Season 4, episode 9)
"Marge, Be Not Proud" (Season 7, episode 11)
"Miracle on Evergreen Terrace" (Season 9, episode 10)
"Grift of the Magi" (Season 11, episode 9)
"Simpsons Christmas Stories" (Season 17, episode 9)
"Holidays of Future Passed" (Season 23, episode 9)
"White Christmas Blues" (Season 25, episode 8)
"I Won't Be Home for Christmas" (Season 26, episode 9)
"'Tis the 30th Season" (Season 30, episode 10)
"Bobby, It's Cold Outside" (Season 31, episode 10)
"The Red Dot" (Season 3, episode 12)
"The Race" (Season 6, episode 10)
"The Gum" (Season 7, episode 10)
"The Strike" (aka "Festivus") (Season 9, episode 10)
Decorating Disney
Holiday Magic
Northern Exposure
"Seoul Mates" (Season 3, episode 10)
The O.C.
"The Best Chrismukkah Ever" (Season 1, episode 13)
"My Own Personal Jesus" (Season 1, episode 11)
"Hercule Poirot's Christmas" (Season 6, episode 1)
King of the Hill
"The Unbearable Blindness of Laying" (Season 2, episode 11)
"Pretty, Pretty Dresses" (Season 3, episode 9)
"'Twas the Nut Before Christmas" (Season 5, episode 8)
"Livin' onn Reds, Vitamin C and Propane" (Season 8, episode 7)
The Office (U.S.)
"Christmas Party" (Season 2, episode 10)
"Benihana Christmas" (Season 3, episode 10)
"Moroccan Christmas" (Season 5, episode 11)
"Secret Santa" (Season 6, episode 13)
"Classy Christmas" (Season 7, episodes 11/12)
"Dwight Christmas" (Season 9, episode 9)
"The Santa Experience" (Season 2, episode 14)
"Chanukkah" (Season 4, episode 1)
"Babes in Toyland" (Season 9, episodes 3/4)
Mr. Bean
"Merry Christmas, Mr. Bean" (Seaason 1, episode 7)
*Stand-alone Holiday Specials
A Stranger Things Christmas
"Merry Christmas, Will Byers" (ST x Peanuts)
Keeping up Appearances
"A Very Merry Hyacinth"
Little House on the Prairie
"The Christmas They Never Forgot"
The Office (U.K.)
"Christmas Specials"
"Save the Reindeer!"
The Moody's Christmas
A six-episode mini-series
Finally ... any Stella Artois commercials

Best Holiday Films!
A Charlie Brown Christmas (duh!)
A Christmas Story
The Man Who Invented Christmas
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Christmas in Connecticut (1945)
Winnie the Pooh: Season of Giving
Curious George: A Very Monkey Christmas
A Madea Christmas
Planes, Trains and Automobiles
The Family Man
Love, Actually
The Bear Who Slept Through Christmas
Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas
Santa and the Three Bears
A Christmas Carol (1999 w Patrick Stewart)
A Christmas Carol (2019 BBC prod)
A Christmas Carol (2020 w Martin Freeman)
A Muppet Christmas Carol
Black Adder's A Christmas Carol
Mickey's Christmas Carol
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas
A Garfield Christmas
Christmas on the Vine
Lady Gaga and The Muppets' Holiday Spectacular
If I neglected anything, LMK @JennyPopCom! I'm toujours happy to amend my lists!
Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noel, Happy Chanukah, Gledelig Jul, Froehliche Weihnachten, God Jul and Mele Kalikimaka to everyone!!