The New Year cometh! What's on your docket? What dragons will you slay, what cats will you herd, what other animal analogies will you concoct? JennyPop is ready for a new year! New Savannah of Williamsburg (Book IV finished and soon-to-be-published!), more Euro travel - likely with Tiny Mulder in-tow - and, as always, San Diego Comic-Con! Plus, whatever else may cross JennyPop's path. Who knows? Like Lemony Snicket's Violet Baudelaire, JennyPop's tying her hair in a ponytail and getting back to work after The Holidays, no matter the task ... as long as it involves reading, writing and bonkers-fun!

Happy New Year, kittens! Be courageous, be productive, be nice!

"Well, hey. I didn't spend all those years playing Dungeons and Dragons and not learn a little something about courage."

- Faulkner, The X-Files, "Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space'" (S3e20)


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Read 4727 times Last modified on Tuesday, 19 November 2019 23:29
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About Author

Jennifer Susannah Devore (a.k.a. JennyPop) authors the 18th C. historical-fiction series Savannah of Williamsburg. She is a regular contributor - 10 years running - to the Official San Diego Comic-Con Souvenir Book; as well, she writes and researches all content for Occasionally, JennyPop writes under the pseudonym Miss Hannah Hart, ghostdame of The Hotel del Coronado.

JennyPop has been cited by TIME magazine as a Peanuts and Charlie Brown expert. Her latest novel is The Darlings of Orange County, a sexy, posh and deadly romp through Hollywood, San Diego and Orange County. Book IV in the Savannah of Williamsburg Series is completed and awaits publication. She is currently researching Book V for the series. She resides at the beach with her husband, a tiny dog, a vast wardrobe and a closet that simply shan't do.

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